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Common words and acronyms that you may encounter in the Student Conduct Process.

Important Definitions

Complainant – The person directly impacted by the alleged violation of university policy.

Respondent: The person reportedly accused of violating university policy.

Campus Student Code Administrators – These individuals are members of the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities Professional Staff. You will interact with Code Administrators throughout the entire conduct process. They are the individuals who receive reports, conduct investigations, send charge notices, and work with students in the hearing process. During a hearing, Code Administrators will present the facts and information obtained from the investigation on behalf of the University, ask questions of witnesses, and have administrative responsibility for maintaining all confidential files, audio recordings, other electronic media, and documents which result. Meet the Office of Student Conduct Staff.

Prohibited Conduct – All actions which are subject to action by the University under the Campus Student Code. All prohibited conduct which will lead to meetings with the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities can be reviewed in the Campus Student Code.

Preponderance of Evidence – The standard in determining if a student or student organization is responsible for a violation; evidence must show that it is “more likely than not” that the alleged behavior occurred and was in violation of university rules, regulations, or policies.

Advisor – An individual from within the university community (faculty, staff, student) or outside the university community who advises involved parties or student/campus organization.

Witness – Any person who has direct information regarding an alleged incident; and/or a professional with demonstrated experience, such as a a University Police Officer, who has important information to share about the alleged violations and charges.

Sanctions – An outcome that is imposed for a finding of responsibility for a violation of the Code of Student Conduct.

Hearing Packet – This packet contains all of the relevant information acquired during the investigation. Respondents and Complaints can share any evidence that they feel is relevant to the hearing. The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities will share a copy of that packet with both the complainant and the respondent at least 10 days before the scheduled hearing.

No Contact Directive – A notice sent by that Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities which states that a student or student organization may have no direct or indirect contact with another person, student organization, or student organization member (including by another person on behalf of the person to whom the order was issued); prohibited contact includes but is not limited to making a contact by way of personal (verbal or non-verbal), physical, phone, and/or electronic means including social media.

Appeal – The method by which due process and/or a decision can be challenged; all appeals must be submitted in writing to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities, and may only be considered if it is in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct procedures. See more about the Appeal Process.

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